10 fundamental guide in packing light

When I travel in groups, I was always that (female) friend who travel the lightest. I never check in my luggage. And these are my essential guidelines in packing light.

Usually I plan well in advance. About 3 weeks earlier you can start thinking about what to bring and write it down. I am someone who plan everything, so I will carefully plan this even when most of the time I will not follow the plan.

Also, I barely use any makeup in my daily life so I do not bring any makeup, just a lipstick or a coloured lipbalm because I had a dull face with uneven skin tone, so I would look extra dull without any colour on it. 

I am still learning the art of packing light but these are some of the things I have learned.

1. Plastic bag.

I always pack some plastic bags to separate clean and dirty clothes. It is also great to keep your stuff dry when it is humid.

2. Pack 20% lighter so you can shop a little.

I would always pack light and bring things I can just leave anyway so I can fit in more stuffs if I ever need to. Usually I would buy 2 or 3 items of clothing wherever I landed.  

3. Only bring one coat.

Preferably the water resistant one especially if you want to stay more than a week. The nice looking coat will get smelly after some time on the road so you would have to clean it. So if you want to stay long you should just bring something water resistant.

Or just head to warmer climate, and just bring one durable thin poncho to keep you from getting soaked wet in the rain. 

Coat and jackets are bulky and would use a lot of space in you carrier so wear your bulkiest item during the travel so you don't have to pack it in your bag. 

4. Light clothing choice.

I choose light cotton or synthetic materials. When choosing what to bring, I consider quality, thickness, weight, wrinkles, and whether it would match well with the rest of my item of clothing. And make sure it doesn't show stains. In addition, these type of materials are easy to dry because you would want to wash your clothes on the road. 

If you are going to cold weather, fret not, now is your time to embrace the art of layering your clothes so you would stay nice and warm. When you go inside shopping malls where sometimes it gets really warm you can easily take off that extra layer of clothing.  Usually this is that bulky jacket.

5. Undergarments and socks

Bring some spares of your undergarments and socks because you need to change this frequently to stay fresh. 

6. Medications  

Usually i take flu/allergy meds, stomach pain meds and some panadol. More importantly is for you to be careful with what you put in your body. I learned this the hard way, if people force you to eat when you could not eat anymore, do not fall in the trap of doing it. Take care of your body, you only have one of it. 

7. Hanger 

Take one. Just in case. I stayed in hostels a lot so most of the time this one extra hanger is precious. 

8. Snacks.

You need this because you can't keep your stomach empty for too long or you might get sick. Your flight might get delayed, you might walk into a place where the food are crazy expensive, or you just might encounter the unexpected. Be prepared. 

Carry something dry and lightweight such as nuts and oats cracker wherever you go. Just don't carry too much, just a packet or two is enough.  

9. Camera

This one needs no explanation. 

10. Shoes and Flip Flop

Mostly I backpacked so I just brought 2 shoes. One durable, comfortable (waterproof) walking shoes and one flip flop. It is important to invest in a comfortable shoes because you will be doing a lot of walking. Meanwhile, I need the flip flop because most of the time they don't have those fancy-pancy-pants hotel slippers for you in the cheap hostels. 

Finally, everywhere you go, you can buy almost anything. Yes, now you can ditch your toiletries at home. 

These are some of my guidelines when packing for my trip. Someday when I'm in my 30s I might want to travel differently, so I might pack differently. But until then, this is it. 

Have fun travelling!


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